Friday, September 23, 2011

Cost Effective Way To Nurture Alternative Energy R&D

Are There Missed Ways To Get Needed Energy Solutions?  The Cost Effective Way To Nurture Alternative Energy R&D Is To Not Charge Green Tech Inventors For Patent Filing Fees. Free Patent Legal Services For Green Innovations Is One Simple Solution.

Better Bang For Gov Spending: A wiser way for governments to boost needed green innovations is to reduce or eliminate patent application filing fees. Green technology innovators usually have to pay the same fees as others inventing new ways to hurt the environment.

While asking patent law firms to also donate time might be harder, at least free reimbursement of patent filing costs to green technology inventors makes common sense.
We found little on the internet for free help to green technology inventors who weren’t already plugged into the green technology culture.

Limited free patent services. Here is one place we found

Free virtual offices are available for green technology start ups in or coming to Northern California’s Solano County at

The program is supported without tax dollars, by Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute and Solano Business Incubator.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute Improving Safety Protocol Tracking

Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute (Innovation Institute, LLC) Continues Improving Its Nuclear Safety Protocol Software Inventions.

Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute won't revolutionize nuclear power plants, but they have much to offer.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Food Scare Going Over Board?

Food Scare Paranoia?

While Japanese food authorities might not be giving all the needed info, the Japanese are highly quality control conscious.

With my having grown up in Japan, I'm guessing the real problems are exaggerated by some media. We predicted a Japanese food paranoia coming down the line. 

We're not denying the serious casualties by any measure.  Just please don't blow things out of proportion. Naturally don't be anywhere near Fukushima nor produce from the region. Don't fall for Food Scare Paranoia.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Things Have Quieted Down In Nuclear Safety World. But...

While The Media Has Quieted Down On Nuclear Safety World, Nuclear Safety Innovation Still Needs More Improvements.

Let's not give up..!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Innovating Nuclear Safety Requires Understanding Have Innovators Think.

Harvard research shows travel increases creative thinking. Hence by deduction Innovation Institute surmises world travel can increase nuclear safety thinking.  Experiencing more cultural innovative nuclear safety mindsets opens the nuclear safety mind tinkering machine to knew possible innovative nuclear safety thought patterns and possible innovative nuclear safety solutions.

Innovation Institute’s behavior studies, the cutting edge institute shared interesting innovative nuclear safety discoveries in their published innovative nuclear safety related patent applications. Innovation’s founder Steven Kays, explored innovative nuclear safety related matters in Tokyo (Roppongi near US Embassy and at ASIJ) since 1977. In the early 1980’s (University of Chicago) Kays showed greater levels of innovative nuclear safety ambiguity tolerance were found with what society defined as “successful innovators” (such an winning a Nobel prize).

More ideas on increasing creative thinking at Magical Genius written for bright inquiring minds which enjoy thinking outside the box.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

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Find Many More Nuclear Safety Blog Links At

Culture of Nuclear Safety

Nuclear safety culture is a social mindset.  Innovating nuclear safety starts with innovating nuclear safety culture.  And innovating nuclear safety culture can only begin when nuclear safety quality control culture culture starts a long self inspection.

Don't presume nuclear safety is more dangerous than say coal energy until you carefully look at all the sociological aspects.

More on innovating nuclear safety culture here in future blogs.  Follow us here. 

Siemens Sells Stake in French Nuclear Joint Venture

Siemens Is Selling Its Stake in Nuclear Joint Venture French Areva.

This might be a wise decision.  The founders of Siemens (related to this nuclear safety inventor and blog post writer) may wish to focus on their non nuclear safety businesses. It might be the safer thing to do with all the negative media publicity being given to innovating the nuclear safety business.

After all it's the small inventor who has stronger statistics in being innovative than big corporations.  Siemens was once much smaller.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Despite Earthquake Dangers - Indonesia Pushing For More Nuclear Power

Despite Earthquake Dangers - Indonesia Pushing For More Nuclear Power.

What are the nuclear safety measures to be taken in light of Fukushima Daiichi?  Times news article.,8599,2062173,00.html

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Media Using Nuclear Safety Paranoia To Increases Readership? Their California Nuclear Plant Article On Lack Of Earthquake Readiness Twists Facts?

It's Hard To Believe.  But the famous Huffington Post says this might be so.  This appears to be more about media sensationalism that stokes people's fears about nuclear safety and lack there of.

Central California's Diablo Canyon nuclear plant, was later discovered to be less than a mile (under 2KM) from an offshore earthquake fault line. While this might be true, isn't Huffington Post "huffing up" nuclear safety paranoia?

Here is a sample US media article matching up human paranoia with nuclear safety protocols, and earthquake fears.

In Wake Of Japan Disaster, Safety Of Armenian Nuclear Plant Questioned

Are Armenian Nuclear Plant's Safety Protocols Safe Enough?

Armenian government officials say the Armenian Nuclear Safety methods can be very good. They made comparisons with Fukushima Daiichi's nuclear safeties.

More on Armenian Nuclear Plant's Safety Protocols






Nuclear Power Polls Show Population Losing Interest In Having Plants

New International Polls Show Populations Are Losing Interest And Trust In Having More Nuclear Power Plants

We however predict that the trust and interest factors are more likely to go up again as time passes, presuming today's nuclear safety protocols avoid another public disaster.

Monday, March 21, 2011

NY Times Says Japan Nuclear Power Plant Extended Life Despite Warnings

It turns out the Japan Extended Nuclear Reactor’s Life In Spite Of Being Warned Against It. Yet With So Many Warning Problems Against Each Of The World's Nuclear Power Plants - It's Always A Tough Call.

Brainstorming Nuclear Safety 原子力安全手順&特許ブログをブレインストーミング革新エネルギー技術の初期段階ではブレインストームサイトです


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Contaminated Food & Tap Water Concerning Tokyo Residents

Food and tap water contamination found far from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant. Minute increases in tap water radiation found in Tokyo tap water considered to be well within safe limits.

Japan Times Article:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Japanese Might Make Fewer Mistakes. Why This Is A Lesson For Others.

I love the Japanese sense of quality control in and outside the Japanese nuclear power industry. I was surprised moving to the US after high school in Japan, with how things broke down more often in the US, and how people took less pride in their work.  Despite Japan's culture of high quality control, they messed up Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's safety system design. Other countries without Japan's famous quality control culture will need to try even harder than Japan to improve their nuclear safety procedures.

I gained many positive feelings towards the Japanese while growing up in different parts of Japan during most of my childhood. My Japanese was better than my English in the earlier years.

Japanese Secret Nuclear Culture - Real Life US Diplomatic Experience In Tokyo

While growing up in Japan, I often heard explain how secretive the Japanese were about just about anything sensitive.  My father worked at the US Embassy in Tokyo.

While the Japanese are a lovely people, it's no surprise that it has been difficult for us to get enough information about what is really happening with Fukushima Daiichi's nuclear accidents. I generally have a high enough level of trust for the Japanese, it's simply that Japanese culture places a higher emphasis on secrecy than most other countries.

The world's nuclear power safety industry will learn more about Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster as time unfolds. This is needed for us to innovate nuclear safety systems.  But don't expect to learn everything about what happened in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants.

NY Times article is beginning to expose questions about failure to practice proper nuclear safety protocols in their March 19, 2001 article

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Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute my have filed the world's largest patent applications on electronic technology with valuable applications to hopefully improving nuclear safety.

Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute
Division of Innovation Institute, LLC

Nuclear Safety 311

Will the term "Nuclear Safety 311" catch on?

When New York's World Trade Centers were hit on 9-11, the term "911" became a household word.

While the term Nuclear Safety 311 may not become a household term, 3-11 is when the triple tragedies hit Japan in March 2011 (March 11 to be exact).

Time will see how well the term Nuclear Safety 311™ will be understood and remembered.


Disclaimer: Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute blog is not liable for errors. Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute blog has all rights protected. Any accidental use of another’s intellectual property not intentional. Thank you. Copyrighted from 2010 onward. Please bookmark Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute!

Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute postings and links are not certified in any way.  Blogs and links are for brainstorming about nuclear safety. No liability can be assumed. Clauses for holding us harmless apply. Nothing was tested. Expect errors.

Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute stands behind the early process of innovating nuclear safety. Open dialog and brainstorming are the early steps.

Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute statements relating to infringement may or may not be fact.
Patent infringements are prospective.  Parent patent applications relating to
Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute include Genius Adaptive Design and Nuclear Safety Matrix

Help protect our planet! Profit sharing in the nuclear safety inventions is available to those who work with us in some manner.

Nuclear Safety Innovation Institute
Division of Innovation Institute, LLC